Firstly let’s start with the cheapest of the bunch - Kobo’s Sahara Sand is the fairest of them all (in more ways than one lol). It’s is a very light, greyish bronze shade, perfect for contouring for pale skinned. It is very light and should only be used to contour, create a shade on your face or body. Kobo is a professional brand from Poland ad can only be bought stationary there I’m afraid. But if you’re in Cracow drinking your body weight next, don’t forget to stop by Drogeria Natura to snatch this gem for as little as £2.50 (around £12 zloty)
You know how much I love Makeup Revolution. I must have mentioned it once or twice (LOL) I use Ultra Bronze daily. It’s a great matte bronzer which isn’t too warm and will fit our completions perfectly. It’s nicely pigmented but not too much so there’s no worry you won’t be able to blend that bad boy out. You can use to it contour and all to bronze up your complexion. Its a double agent in that department at £3 and with a mature of 15g it is the biggest and cheapest of them all. Available stationary and online.
As we are nearing the end of the list we will talk luxury now. Lancome’s Star Bronzer Intense is a gorgeous product. Packaging is next to none. It comes beautifully embedded. It’s shade is slightly warmer and not contour like. It has a slight sheen to it. It is a perfect summer must have as you can beautifully warm up your complexion and get that glow you only get from holidays in hot destinations :) It’s honestly the most beautiful product I owned. It’s priced at £34 and available nationwide both stationary and online.
Lastly the newest contestant in a luxury bronzer category. Vita Liberata is fairly new to us in the UK. But if you’re on a lookout for a luxury tan look no further. Crystal Minerals Self Tan Bronzing Minerals in Sunkissed is a mouth full. Do I see any self-tanning elements to it? Maybe a little. But I would not treat it as such. It is, in fact, a gorgeous mineral bronzer. It comes in two colours and at 9g per pot is priced at £35. Is it worth it? It most definitely is. I use it to warm up my complexion and it works beautifully, leaving my skin sun kissed. It coms with luxury kabuki brush and man that brush is soft :) I personally don’t use it with the bronzer and started to use it as a powder brush instead as let me tell you, its a pleasure to work with :)
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From the bottom: Ultra Bronze, Sahara Sand, Star Bronzer Intense, Bahama Mama, Crystal Minerals Sunkissed |
As explained above we use bronzers for two reasons. One is to warm up the complexion and in this category, Lancome and MUR are the best ones out there. So whatever your price range you can certainly get one to suit your needs.
When it comes to contour Kobo and The Balm lead away. Their greyish shades are perfect for contouring and your best bet at creating that new cheekbone :)
That’s it for today. Go and get yourself a cocktail or a beer and enjoy the heatwave :) I will be happily melting away too :)
Let me know what your thoughts on bronzers are? Are you a Kim K or just looking for a slight change? No judging here :)
Thank You For Reading,
Let's Be Friends:
Czaje sie na vita liberata...ale ta cena...
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